A divorce is like a business that’s gone bad. There are assets and liabilities to divide, alimony or support to be determined, and child custody and parenting time to be worked out. Unfortunately, the emotional impact can be devastating for the actual litigants. A divorce can trigger a host of emotions – anger, sadness, hostility and denial. Worse, sometimes these emotions can get in the way of a person’s better judgment. When this happens, it makes for bad decisions as well as an increase in litigation costs and attorney’s fees. To deal with the sometimes severe emotional impact a divorce can have on a party, we highly encourage professional counseling and therapy. Attorneys are not qualified in these fields, so oftentimes, we work closely with psychologists, social workers and other mental healthcare provides to help the litigants (and their children, if appropriate) get through this most difficult time. The children, too, may very need their own therapists, and the use of family therapists is very common. Many excellent therapists practice here and range from clinical psychologists and licensed clinical social workers. Each case is unique, and therefore, the choice and selection of therapists must be made based on the individual and unique issues of each case. Sometimes a judge has to intervene and order the therapy especially pertaining to the children. We strongly encourage the litigants to work together on these issues for the benefit of themselves as well as the children.